The Road to DTC [ Focus on – Product, Customer, Brand ]

[ 專注 – 產品、客戶、品牌 ] 台灣Shopify店家這幾年猛速增長,付費商戶數、GMV、活躍商戶數都達到倍數成長。Shopify從鼓勵創業精神以及商戶成功的角度,不斷思考如何讓創業者,實業家更容易達成目標。台灣成功的DTC品牌、國際大廠,在不確定的大環境下,努力經營自家電商網站,做出差異化。已有許多成功商家 (如微星, 毛起來, FutureLab, Cubo AI等等) 在國際間打響名號,自家網站營收比及回頭客的複購率不斷提高。 創業成功的機率小於10%,在高度競爭的電商行業亦是絕無僥倖。每一個創業者、實業家都極需專注在自身事業的核心 : 產品、客戶、品牌。至少花50%的時間與資源在深度了解客群痛點,打磨優質產品,提升客戶服務,傳播品牌理念。有限的資源下,抓住成功契機。 然而,創業如此維艱, 不是所有的產品,公司,團隊老闆都適合做DTC。 根據產品屬性,品牌官網也可能不該是唯一的銷售渠道,而是有一定的營收占比。 可以思考的是,如果想打造品牌創業,如果想做DTC電商,如果想將公司品牌經由電商帶往國際,做好哪些是功課可以提高成功的機率 ? 1. 提升客戶體驗 – 提升轉化率與複購率 經營電商很多人一開始直覺就是下廣告,找流量。流量跟客源的確是不可或缺非常重要的一環。數位廣告在多年演進,經歷變革,尤其近來隱私保護IDFA浪潮後,廣告流量的成本已經讓商家老闆們大感吃不消。 在流量進入網站後的下一步就是網站體驗的轉化率,無論是網站內容,產品介紹,品牌意象,結帳模式或是網頁速度等等,都會影響轉化率。以簡單的數學邏輯,轉化率2.5% 的網站 (點擊進入到結帳),如果提升0.5%的網站轉化率,代表銷售營收可以有20%的增長,可能比再花20%的廣告成本輕鬆許多。 另外,做品牌網站,DTC,善用你的品牌力與服務體驗提升顧客忠誠度與複購率是非常重要的 一環。也是在marketplace上不易做出區隔的一塊。網站中傳達品牌意念,利用會員機制,舒服的購物體驗及客戶服務,都是讓顧客再回頭的要點。提升複購率,代表Customer Lifetime Value的提升,代表該獲客成本的降低,也是marginal profit的提升。( 有效提高CLV : CAC比 ) 品牌與客戶體驗,是商家們在流量成本居高不下的現況下更該關注的面向。 2. 產品品質與區隔 – 提升客單價 去年,我曾在某公開場合與某大廣告平台大中華區電商行業總監進行交流。以他的觀察及經驗,做DTC跨境電商,首重品類與產品品質。有了品質後,官網產品客單價最好高於35美金,甚至高於50美金,以確保在Cost of Goods與行銷花費後的利潤率仍能保持拓展潛力。(數字僅供參考。假設情境為轉化率2.5%,CPC約0.5 USD,獲客成本約20美金,50% Gross Profit。也就是依照流量成本,商品成本,運營成本,及理想利潤率,較低客單價在不同條件下還是能達成目標) 產品要維持合理單價,代表產品有品質有區隔,有顧客信賴。也可藉由自身的品牌力與服務來加分。所以專注打磨自家產品,讓產品力的發揮反映在客單價上,是艱難但是必須持續努力的課題。 產品活得初步認可後,也可經由不同的銷售渠道做組合銷售。在亞馬遜上的貨可能和你官網上的貨不一定一致。如何透過組合產品把客單價做高,這也可以是一種銷售策略,尤其是3C與高單價品類。 3. 善用工具 – 有限人力成本下,靈活運用營運資源 … Continue reading The Road to DTC [ Focus on – Product, Customer, Brand ]

Entrepreneurship with Shopify – 2021 year in review

寒冷冬日,有時間在家發呆,想跟大家分享下個人2021年的一些觀察 During the year end break in this freezing winter, I had chance contemplating my takeaways from the fruitful 2021 and would like to share a bit of my many thoughts. [ 台灣軟體服務商的契機 – Taiwan software entrepreneurs opportunity with Shopify ] TL;DR  (in English, main body in Traditional Mandarin) Shopify devotes to make commerce better … Continue reading Entrepreneurship with Shopify – 2021 year in review

Retail industry changes faster than you think – the “new norm” is happening

Over the past two years, retailers, brand owners, and basically most of consumer businesses have set their sights on ecommerce and digitalization. Adidas at 2020 Q2 reported “exceptional growth in online sales” during the quarter seeing sales through its own ecommerce channel jump 93 per cent. Nike put all effort on its own brand website … Continue reading Retail industry changes faster than you think – the “new norm” is happening

Why the nature of diversity at INSEAD MBA makes this program extraordinary and valuable

At INSEAD, we value ourselves as the business school for the world. It is not just a slogan that came from the history and gene of this school, but a practice and norm that can be observed in everyone who walks through the program. The designated MBA program with its language requirement, campus around the … Continue reading Why the nature of diversity at INSEAD MBA makes this program extraordinary and valuable

How InsurTech is different in financial model?

Through advanced internet and data analysis technology, InsurTech startups are ready to disrupt the insurance industry. Other than online brokers, these new ventures have unique structures and approaches to disrupt the legacy industry, making it more transparent, personalized, and customer-driven with different business models. However, as insurance is a capital intensive and highly regulated industry, … Continue reading How InsurTech is different in financial model?

Entrepreneurship is exciting but painful, without any shortcut

Entrepreneurship is almost an overheated word nowadays. At many thriving cities, like Silicon Valley, New York, London, Berlin, Singapore, or Beijing, you could see many sharing events and hear people talk about their venture ideas at café. However, it’s not easy to make an idea become a sustainable business. There are plenty of expected and … Continue reading Entrepreneurship is exciting but painful, without any shortcut

Insurtech is about to take off!? But who are they?

As the digital transformation wave sweeps across different industries, the antiquated finance and insurance industries have started to evolve. For the past three years, the development of internet, data science, and artificial intelligence has ignited the engine of fintech. And many entrepreneurs and startups are now ready to disrupt the $5 trillion insurance industry and … Continue reading Insurtech is about to take off!? But who are they?

10 things I wish I know before I come to INSEAD

As one of the top business schools in the world, INSEAD provides a unique environment with its 1-year MBA program and campus switch opportunities, squeezing all the knowledge and experiences into this incredible year and making MBA candidates not just overwhelmed or challenged but learn important lessons in prioritization and time management. I firmly believe … Continue reading 10 things I wish I know before I come to INSEAD